Spring Roadside Brush Clearing and Cutting

brush cutting map

The roadside serves many purposes. It creates a sense of openness that contributes to driving safety, improves sight distances for driveways, provides space for maintenance activities such as snow removal and storage, preserves ditches for proper road drainage and provides clear zones to avoid potential crashes. The town right-of-way is typically 33 feet on each side from the center of the road. The Town is responsible for the maintenance, management and general public safety of the right-of-way (Sec. 82.03 of the Wisconsin State Statutes).

The Town will begin brush trimming and clearing operations the week of March 11th 2024.  The work will consist of mechanical mowing and brush cutting of the area measured 16 feet from the edge of the roadway.  This will be accomplished with a tractor and boom mower capable of rotating and cutting brush less than two inches in diameter.

Large limbs and trees will be trimmed on an as-needed basis under a separate operation.

The Town acknowledges that the result of the brush cutting can be unsightly for a period, but new growth will occur and improve the appearance of the roadway in time.